Management and Personal Development course


Managing a team well, is one of the key characteristics of a successful leader. Team building is to forge good working relationships between the team members. Team building serves many more purposes than just helping the team to work together. Team building also helps in developing the skills of each team mate through motivation and support.

Team building also has a number of benefits on an individual level and it supports career growth, this short training course teaches you how to build and lead a team successfully.


Stress is something we are facing every day in our life and that nobody can avoid forever. Stressful situations will always come up when you least expect them and they will literally destroy you mentally most of the time. If you’re

Not equipped with the knowledge of how to deal with these stressful situations then you will most likely crumb under pressure and lose your temper. This short course teaches you how to manage your stress in daily life.


Anger is an emotion experienced by us often. Anger can affect your health and situation negatively if not managed. Controlling anger is considered anger management. Anger management is designed to help the individual work out their problems, help them figure out why they become so angry. Without anger management an individual will likely experience loss, loss of their family, loss of their job and loss of their own identity.

This Anger management short training course teaches how to manage your anger.


We always dream about what we would like to achieve in life but do not alive our dreams. Dreams only become our reality if we take the right action. Sometimes we are not clear about the strategy and action required to meet our goals. Goal setting and taking appropriate action plays an important role to change your dream into reality. This short training course will help you to understand how to plan and meet your goals strategically.